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In honor of the upcoming anniversary on the death of Padre Domenico da Cese, O.F.M., Capuchin on September 17th, let us take a deeper look into the daily life of a Capuchin. In the book, "Padre Domenico da Cese (Emidio Petracca) Cappucino Breve Profilo Biografico" written by Padre Eugenio Vittorio Di Giamberadino, the Vice-Postulator for the Cause of Padre Domenico, let us examine the basics before we learn more about the extraordinary circumstances that existed with Padre Domenico.

"The daily schedule of the Capuchin novices was as follows: (Beginning shortly after midnight.) 0:30 in the Choir for the recitation of Matins; 1:15 return to the cell for rest; 5:30 in the Choir for the recitation of Lauds, First Hour, meditation and Mass; 8:00 breakfast and time for cleaning, conferences, recitation of the Marian Office; 11:45 in the Choir for the recitation of the Sixth Hour.

12:00 Lunch: the novices take turns reading the Bible, the Franciscan Rule or biographies of saints; 12:45 in the Choir for thanksgiving and the recitation of the Noon Hour, 1:00 recreation. 2:00 in the cell for a short rest and reading. At 4:00 the novices do small tasks or listen to conferences; 6:00 in the Choir: recitation of the rosary, meditation, Vespers; 7:00 supper, spiritual readings in turn during the meal; 8:00 recreation; 9:00 in the Choir for the recitation of Compline; 9:30 in the cell for rest."

September 28, 1923, Padre Domenico made his religious profession taking the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience. On October 11, 1931 in Sulmona, Italy he was ordained to the priesthood. Padre Domenico served throughout Italy in several convents before his final destination that of the Shrine of the Volto Santo in Manoppello, Italy. (After the visit by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006, raising the Shrine to a Minor Basilica.)

Now, let us examine much more deeply into the life of this holy Capuchin priest, whom even St. Padre Pio himself would refer pilgrims from the Abruzzo region. Since Padre Domenico was in his 30s, per conversations with his family members, Padre Domenico was often physically attacked by the devil. After one particular encounter, a "female spirit" tried to entice Padre Domenico from his vow of chastity; after the failed attempt, "it" left Padre Domenico unconscious and with a scar which remained on his forehead for the rest of his life. (Note: left side of the picture below.)

Padre Domenico grew up on a farm, which everyone knows, is a very physical and exhausting work, which prepared him for his future assignments. His studies were interrupted for military duty, that as a paramedic and military chaplain during WWII. Regardless, of his physical sufferings regarding his health, Padre Domenico was exemplary per his supervisors. In a letter to his Provincial dated October 19, 1941, Padre Domenico wrote: "For over a month I have really high fevers, from 105.8 F to 109.4 F, my legs are really swollen and the feet have open wounds which bleed; I always have strong migraines and on top of that I can't sleep.". Padre Domenico denied himself evening meals, and no longer ate meat. In a testimony by Padre Leone Campana, pilgrims requested his blessings and prayers both in person, in letters, and in telephone calls, no request was ever denied. Also, Padre Campana mentions Padre Nazareno's words from Spedino to him. Determined to discover Padre Domenico's behavior during the night Padre Nazareno stated; "Padre Domenico retires to his room in the evening and waits for all of us to retire. Then he puts a blanket over his shoulders to protect himself from the cold and goes to the choir to pray. I caught him crying and I asked him once if he felt bad, to which he replied "no" and why are you crying? "I cry over the atrocious pains of Jesus". Padre Domenico was seen having wounds in his hands, and reports of bleeding from his side. Countless testimonies of spiritual children, confreres, and devotees report of miraculous healings and predications due to the intercession of this holy capuchin's prayers.

Even through the many sufferings in the life of Padre Domenico, many of which only the Lord himself knows, he remained a kind hearted "gentle giant" leading souls to our Lord. Certainly, some people may not have understood the reasons, even calling him a radical. However, Padre Domenico could not accept even the slightest untruths. I think his saying said it best, "All for Jesus".

Often I ask myself, if Padre Domenico was known to have such a reputation of being holy to the level of even St. Padre Pio referring pilgrims to Padre Domenico, including St. Padre Pio's conversations and bilocation to Padre Domenico; either someone is a saint or they are not. So, I again ask for everyone who is also a devotee of St. Padre Pio to pray for the Cause and Beatification of Padre Domenico, especially as an example of truly being a "Servant of God", and that this dear priest could someday be raised to the altars here on earth. St. Padre Pio's last words to Padre Domenico during his bilocation to the Shrine of the Volto Santo on the morning of September 22, 1968 he stated to Padre Domenico, "We will meet again in Paradise!"

(Article by: Tamara Klapatch)

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