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Happy and Blessed New Year! As we begin this New Year, let us reflect on the words of Padre Domenico da Cese, and also, a message from Padre Eugenio di Giamberardino, the Vice-Postulator for the Cause of Padre Domenico.

First, you can see in Padre Domenico's own handwriting the letter he wrote regarding, "All For Jesus", followed by the English translation.

The Italian translation as follows:

Padre Eugenio di Giamberardino, the Vice-Postulator for the Cause of Padre Domenico da Cese wrote a beautiful prayer in honor of Padre Domenico, along with his wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

"I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2023.

Eugenio Di Giamberardino

For the Glorification of Padre Domenico

O God, glorify in the Church, Padre Domenico da Cese, a Capuchin priest, to whom you gave the ability to read in the depths of hearts to alleviate their pains and to reconcile them with you. As he zealously promoted devotion to the Face of your Son and knew how to recognize Jesus in the poor and suffering, grant me the humility of heart and the simplicity of the little ones, to whom you reveal the secrets of your Kingdom.

Jesus, who said: "Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you", trusting in your words and in the intercession of Padre Domenico, I humbly implore and ask for the grace ...

I beg you again to grant your Church numerous and holy priests like Padre Domenico. Amen."

In Italian:

"Auguro Un Buon Natale E Un Felice 2023.

P. Eugenio Di Giamberardino

Per la glorificazione di Padre Domenico

O Dio, glorifica nella Chiesa Padre Domenico da Cese, sacerdote cappuccino, al quale donasti di saper leggere nell' intimo dei cuori per alleviarne le pene e riconciliarle con te.

Come egli promosse con zelo la devozione al Volto del tuo Figlio e seppe riconoscere Gesu' nei poveri e nei sofferenti, concedimi l'umilta' del cuore e la semplicita' dei piccoli, ai quali tu riveli i segreti del tuo Regno.

Gesu', che hai detto: "Chiedete e otterrete, cercate e troverete, picchiate e vi sara' aperto", confidando nelle tue parole e nell' intercessione di Padre Domenico, con umilta' imploro e chiedo la grazia...

Ti prego ancora di concedere alla tua Chiesa numerosi e santi religiosi e sacerdoti come Padre Domenico. Amen."

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My prayer, through the most holy intercession of Padre Domenico, is for the will of God to be accepted gratefully and cheerfully by Tim Kleaveland and Fredi Vinci. I also humbly ask for their healings, if that be the will of our Father in Heaven. Amen.

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