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Updated: Mar 30, 2021

On Sunday, September 20th at the Basilica of the Volto Santo, Manoppello, Italy; the Solemn Mass was presided over by Padre Matteo Siro, Provincial Minister of the Capuchins of Central Italy, in commemoration of the anniversary of Padre Domenico's death on September 17, 1978.

The solemn mass began with Padre Carmine Cucinelli, Rector for the Basilica of the Volto Santo. He greeted the pilgrims, the Provincial Father, relatives of Padre Domenico, and the devotees from various parts of Italy including Ruvo di Puglia, Andria, Abruzzo, Marche and other places. Padre Cucinelli also mentioned Tamara Klapatch from Pennsylvania in the United States for her work in spreading devotion of Padre Domenico and the Volto Santo. He also stated that this mass was being viewed especially in the United States, Canada, Poland and the Philippine Islands. Everyone was invited to pray for the collaborators who are promoting the devotion and carrying it forward for the cause of beatification.

Followed by Professor Antonio Bini, who read a letter by Fra Vincenzo d' Elpidio (pictured below) whom not only attended the funeral mass of Padre Domenico in 1978, but was also a close friend. Fra Vincenzo taught Padre Domenico how to drive, he was also responsible for driving to Rome to retrieve the images of Padre Domenico which were used for the chapel dedicated to Padre Domenico inside the Basilica.

Photo courtesy of Sr. Petra-Maria Steiner.

Below photo courtesy of Professor Antonio Bini.

The solemn mass was well attended even with the recent regulations due to the coronavirus. It was also viewed live streamed on Basilica Volto Santo di Manoppello Facebook page all over the world.

Following the mass, devotees viewed the newly established Cappella di Padre Domenico, featuring objects associated with the Servant of God: including his crucifix that bled in 1941,

chalices, miraculous photograph of Padre Domenico that survived a fire, testimonies and books written about his life, a special notation, Sr. Petra-Maria Steiner's illustrated biography.

Let us continue to raise awareness of this humble Capuchin who offered "All for Jesus"! Even Saint Padre Pio himself referred people to Padre Domenico stating, "He is just like me".

Padre Domenico prega per noi!

Padre Domenico pray for us!

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